Sunday, September 15, 2024

 Jack the pit bull is a kids book coming out November 15th! It is available for pre-order today! 

Be sure to pre-order your copy! 

Just in time for the holidays!

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Hello all!

I'd like to update everyone on what's going on!

So, my newest book Jack came out a couple years ago and now it was picked up by a small press publishing company and is currently in the works to be published again, but as a children's book!

I am super excited to share it all with you! 

please if you have not already, follow my other website to keep updated on events and when the book comes out so you can share with your loved ones and children! I will also add some social media sites of mine to help you stay up to date on my life and works!

Hope to see you all there!




Saturday, May 2, 2020

Meet the dogs that made Jack the pit bull book possible.
Hercules and Nika!
What kind of dogs do you all have?

first YA book

As you all may know Jack is being rewritten to suit a younger audience.
The YA version of Jack will be available soon!
Be on the look out!
My hit stores end of 2023

Friday, March 15, 2019

An Update!

It is March of 2019 and it is a beautiful Friday afternoon!
Yeah, I know you may already know this... But the reason I am saying this is due to the fact that I have many updates to share! But what does the weather and the day have anything to do with my updates? Glad you asked! Absolutely nothing!
I just had no idea how I should start this, and even though I hate to admit it, that sentence was the first thing that popped in my head at the time I began this, so here we are.
Anyways, my Novel Jack has been on the market for quite some time now, little sales but I'm working on hopefully changing that.
Unrelated to my books, I will be giving birth to a little boy here soon! 3 weeks and counting!
My writing has eased up just a bit, still sitting down and putting something on virtual paper, but it its not the same, and I don't think it will ever be! But alas, I will work on getting my name more out there than it is. I am willing to wait, willing to put in the work, time and money? Maybe.
But I know, oh, I know, that after writing for about 7 years, patience is one thing that you need to have.
I have a life outside of my writing, and the moment I mix those two, its going to be hell for all involved. Especially me.
Now, until next time fishes!
(Whenever that will be)

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Been Away Far Too Long...

It's been way too long my friends. I've come to notice some changes, and its all good. This blog sucks and I suck at writing it. Ha! In another note: Since I've finished Jack I have been starting and stopping a couple other new works, and you know what? I have never been more proud of myself, see, I have been having a lot of writers block in the last... well, four years. In fact, I was surprised I had finished Jack at all! But my new works include more werewolves, some action, and well, brothers. Yeah, I know. But I had an odd dream about werewolves and it kind of shot up from there!
I am currently in New Hampshire, in the middle of a work project cause you know, work life is a good life! But whatever pays the bills, cause writing this sure isn't!
Anyways, signing off!
Till next time, ya fish.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

So I finished Jack and Well...

I finally finished 'Jack' ya know, my novel about Pit Bull abuse? And well, I feel like it needs to be longer, to have more. That Jack's story must go on! 
But how and why? That's the biggest question of them all...
Jack is in two points of view, an adopter and Jack himself. Now, what if the last part is in like an animal cop point of view? That would make another story all in it's own! Plus add on to Jack's by telling the untold final ending to what happened.
I got like 1/4 of it written, but eh, I am not too sure.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Back to Writing

Just a tad over 33,000 words and I grew impatient with Jack, wanting so bad to finish it and publish it. But maybe that's why I consistently post about it on here instead of shutting up and writing the damn thing.
So here goes, shutting the hell up and writing...
Let's see how long that lasts.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Called It! - 2017 Superbowl

Called it!
The eagles won!
Told ya I can predict the future ;)

The Eagles are Going to Win the SuperBowl....

Been posting more than I normally do. (Can't tell if thats good or bad!) But for now, I will continue to do so because of the time I spend fucking around on my laptop, when I should be writing. (If only I get paid for doing both)
Not sure if anyone really reads my page or follows it but I will post like they do! (Just to make myself feel better...)
(I need love too!)
So today is the day of the 2017 Superbowl, I have a feeling the Eagles are going to win, I'm not a fan of either team, hell, I don't even watch sports. It's just because of the simple fact that shit is changing in this world, the past couple of years a lot of shit has changed!
And so I believe they will win the Superbowl.
(Not that I want them to, or even care if they do.) (I CAN READ THE FUTURE!)