Friday, March 22, 2013


I'm going to make a short movie for my book, In a Tight Situation.
Not going to make the whole book into the movie, just something explaining what the hell is going on an who the hell the characters are.
Was going to use people from my school to come audition but now I think the roles are going to be played by my fathers friends.
Wish me luck! #FollowMe

Monday, March 18, 2013


Is it me? Or is Supernatural the best television show ever!??!?!?!
God I love that show!
Love Jared and Jensen!!
Never stop freaking making the show am I right!?
Oh and hello!!
Nice day we're having huh?
no... its cold as hell

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Little party at my house, its my aunts 19th birthday and we're sitting here watching Rob & Big
Hehe, lifes a party so live it!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What if?

What if my books were good enough to be a movie?
I would put them up fo rmovie production, I would be happy with myself annd love to help anyway I can with creating the movie.
IATS is good enough to become a movie, I swear it is.
Can't wait until I finsih Bulls-Eye, the sequel to In a Tight Situation, it sumsup everything that may be confusing to readers.
Hope you follow!

Thursday, March 7, 2013